
To recommend policies for Section XI awards and the selection of awards.

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a standing committee of Section XI.
B.   The chairman shall be appointed by the Section XI President with the approval of the Executive Board.
C.   Committee membership shall consist of one male and one female from each conference.  The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
D.   Members shall serve a two-year term as specified in the Bylaws, Article VI, Section 7.

                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   The committee shall consider suggestions and proposals for revisions of Section XI awards.
B.   The committee shall establish bid specifications and recommend appropriate vendors.   




To update the Section XI Handbook including the Constitution and Bylaws, job descriptions, policies, rules and regulations.

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a standing committee of Section XI.
B.   The First Vice President shall serve as chairman of the Committee.
C.   Committee membership shall consist of one male and one female from each conference. The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
D.   Members shall serve a two-year term as specified in the Bylaws, Article VI, Section 7.

                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   Constitution and Bylaws amendments shall be made as specified in the Bylaws, Article IX, Section 2 and Article X, Sections 1-4.
B.   Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be inserted appropriately in the Section XI Handbook.
C.   Revisions in policies, procedures, rules, and/or regulations shall be incorporated into the Section XI Handbook appropriately.